AO: Clinic
When: 06/03/2024
Number of Pax: 27
Pax Names: Babyface, Blue Light, BoSox, Charleston Chew, Cheesesteak, Chick Magnet, Choir Boy, Copper, Driftwood, Exile, FTX, Goat Milk, GoDaddy, JackBauer (JB), Lamb Chop, Lasso, LawDog, Lifeboat, Lt. Dan, Mouth-2-Mouth, Panhandle, Picanha, Steeplechase, The Count, The Guardian, The Mole, Westside,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Mouth-2-Mouth
WARMUP: Mike Tyson’s on the tracks and others
THE THANG: To the College for 11’s on the hill with Bropess at the top and Brokins at the bottom.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thanks for a great 6 years