01/13/2025 - Wicked Witch - Modified Cooper
WARMUP: 3/4 mile opening run the course THE THANG: Modified Cooper, 10 burpees, 15 squats, 20 BBSU, 5 rounds, then pommel horse leaps 10/9/8 and lap, guarantee deployed MARY: 20…
WARMUP: 3/4 mile opening run the course THE THANG: Modified Cooper, 10 burpees, 15 squats, 20 BBSU, 5 rounds, then pommel horse leaps 10/9/8 and lap, guarantee deployed MARY: 20…
COT: various suspect topics over warm
Due to the exclusive nature of this mornings beatdown the copyright of the beatdown, I will not share what done. You had to be there! ANNOUNCEMENTS: BAHBABAB this weekend, convergence…
WARMUP: Weed Pickers, Side straddle hops, windmill THE THANG: 4 Mile Run in the dark with dogs. MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: see mumble chatter COT: Prayers for Kent and Family, Lawdog
WARMUP: We ran around a little and then did some IC stretchy exercises THE THANG: Since I knew there was not a lot of room to roam at the NLB…
WARMUP: Prerun 6+ THE THANG: Run Greyfields. MARY: Intrepid ran Gaddis mountain just for s&g. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Light. Canned food. COT: Surgery for Pella’s m (went well) and
WARMUP: LONG lap, plenty of running, circle of warmups, with Sun Gods in Cadence (part of the guarantee) THE THANG: Up and over the mountain!!!! 10 Yard Line: BBS 20:…
WARMUP: Pella, Dandy, FMB and Misty with the 04030 Run Club meeting. THE THANG: Started off with 4 rounds of hill repeats. The plan was for 10 hill repeats, less…
Run and talk about the
Ran, lost Lawdog and C4. Went back to get them. Lawdog lost C4. Leg explosions, ran, burpees, ran, flutter kicks, ran and kept running, squats, ran Pullups, merkins, squats,