AO: WarTowne
When: 09/02/2023
Number of Pax: 24
Pax Names: 2.0’s Guppy, Big Papi, Boondock, Canoe, Charmin, Duster, Exile, Farm Country, Hurley, Jet Blue, Lamb Chop, Maaco, Mall Cop, rebel, Saluki, Sooorie, Stage Dive, Stomper and Stitch., sweet water, Tiger King, Tundra, Twinkle Toes, Wastewater, Yoshi,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Duster
WARMUP: side straddle hops, the weed picker and squats
-sprint to 50 yard line and sprint back to goal line
-side shuffle 20 then side shuffle opposite way 20 yards bear claw 10 yards and sprint back to goal line
-karaoke 25 yards then karaoke opposite way another 25 and sprint back goal line
-Ladder drills (speed training)
-two hand touch football (ball dropped started with 5 burpees then which to 5 merkins)
-final score was 21-14
-Monday surf and turf Labor Day party check 2f channel for more details
-Friday 9/8 Blood Drive 10am at Resurrection Angelican Church (contact Saluki for details if needed)
Prayers for WasteWater and his family for adjustments in their lives
Maaco’s nephew Ashton becoming a Marine and wishing for his safety and success