AO: Lions Den
When: 01/24/2023
Number of Pax: 22
Pax Names: Big Papi, Charmin, Chicken Fried, Chops, Chubbs, Couch Fire, Couch Potato, Fleetwood, Hartford, Ice T, Kryptonite, Oddjob, Oshkosh, Rembrandt, Roscoe P, Rug Burn, Saget, Sleepy Joe, Swap, Tackleberry,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Mall Cop
Lost Boys… only Rubber Ducky
Mosey to the coupons and grab a coupon per PAX. PAX were alarmed and annoyed we didn’t warm up first. it’s ok, boys. we’ll get there.
Warmup: Standard… SSH, squats copperhead merkins and the TLD required slow cadence weed pickers. something else too, probably…
HEAT: Count off – 22 total, and in order (didn’t happen) sign up on the TLD Q sheet Feb – May. While only 1 single PAX is signing up we ran wind sprints (didn’t happen) except 90% of the TLD PAX don’t know what wind sprints are. I even set out cones in the dang 27ยบ air while they were all nice and warm in their cars on the way to the den. anyway. that took daggum forever so we hurried along.
MEAT: 3 Sets of 3 Rounds with a lap between sets
SET 1: 20 REPS EACH EXERCISE. This round got A TON of grumbling and moaning from the PAX
1. Curls
2. Man Makers
3. Shoulder Press
4. Goblet Squats
1. Bent Over Row – Left Arm
2. Bent Over Row – Right Arm
3. Coupon Dips
4. American Hammers
1. Bench Press
2. Kneeling Press Out – same motion in a bench press but in a kneeling position. crushes your core and arms at the full extension
3. Bent Over Row – both arms together
4. Single Side Reverse Lunge – Coupon on L shoulder 5 reverse lunges, repeat with R shoulder
Native American Appropriation Run to the flag for MARY
MARY: The PAX thought I was a jerk….
PAX called Mike Tysons, Carolina Dry Docks, Copperhead Merkins and I wrapped with holding 6″
COT: Swap was 6 Man and talked about business being tricky right now and how Grandkids > Kids.
Prayers for Saget’s friend from HS who passed away this week as well as Cardinal’s Family and the blessing F3 has been raising $105,328 to date.
Hugs, Knucks and Coffee…