AO: Lions Den

When: 07/23/2024


Number of Pax: 22

Pax Names: Arrid, Charmin, Chops, Chubbs, Diners Club, Fleetwood, Glamour Shots, Hard Drive, Hartford, Ice T, Magnum, McCroskey, Odd Job, Pie Bar (PB), Push It, Six pack, Sleepy Joe, Sushi, Swap, Tackleberry, Tugboat, Wastewater,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pie Bar (PB)

WARMUP: PB modified mosey
THE THANG: Do 10 burpees and 20 donkey kicks and then take a lap. Rinse and repeat decreasing burpees by one and donkey kicks by two all the way down to 1:2. Indian shuffle to cool down
MARY: Yes, a full 5 minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Discussed fielding a team for the relay race at The Slab. We’ll see.
COT: Stays in the COT
NAKED MAN: Was rough after a two week hiatus. Almost splashed some Merlot at about the 7 burpee/14 donkey kick mark. But it was GREAT to be back – I needed that.

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