AO: Hurt Locker
When: 01/01/2025
Number of Pax: 18
Pax Names: Babyface, Boondock, Copper, Dory, FMB (Fire Marshal Bill), Gandhi, Good Hands, Gumball, Hopper, Leaky, Mater, Mouth-2-Mouth, Oxbow, Slum Lord, Sooorie, The Chad, Westside, Woody,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Westside
WARMUP: Mosey to the Buzz. Circled up in the parking lot for:
15x SSH
10x Weed Pickers
10x Imperial Walkers
5 Bent Leg Body Twists
5 OYO Good Mornings
OYO Michael Phelps
Choices: PAX were asked a question and depending on the answer they did one of 2 exercises:
Pineapple on pizza?
• Push-Ups: 20 reps
• Squats: 30 reps
Movies/Shows with subtitles or without them?
• Burpees: 10 reps
• No Surrenders: 10 reps
Is a hot dog a sandwich or a taco?
• Sit-Ups: 25 reps
• Leg Raises: 20 reps
Crunchy or Creamy Peanut Butter?
• Bear Crawl
• Crab Walk
Marvel or DC?
• Sprint forwards
• Sprint backwards
Die Hard a Christmas movie?
• Long Jump
• Bunny Hops
Sock then shoe or sock, sock, shoe, shoe?
• Carolina Dry Docks: 20 reps
• Lunges: 10 (Kodiak Count)
Too hot or too cold?
• Toy Soldiers: 20 reps
• Hillbillies: 20 reps
At one point Good Hands found a soccer ball on the field and we decided to pivot and add a question:
Can Sooorie kick the ball through the uprights? Yes or No
Those that believed got the pleasure of 20 shoulder taps
Those that didn’t were punished with burpees
There were a lot of non-believers
MARY: Monkey Humpers to end the morning
Sooorie upset all expectations on the field goal attempt. Only 3 folks believed he could hit it from the 20yd line. Nice work
Most controversial question was from Good Hands….
Does playing UF violate the core principles? The exchange was well worth it
COT: Coffee in the frigid temps