AO: Slab
When: 04/19/2024
Number of Pax: 19
Pax Names: Boondock, Brad Pitt, Bunny Slope, Copper, CP, Duster, Edibles, Eggplant, Ketchup, Lamb Chop, Mr Sparky, Nightshade, Quadzilla, Slum Lord, Spider, Squat-N-Cough, The Count, Tinfoil, Wax-on,
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names: Milkmaid
QIC: Copper, Slum lord
*WOR: Brought to you by BMW*
Shawshank loved cars. His car is a BMW
B-allerinas: Toe Squats
M-onkey Humpers
W-ind Mills
*Shawshank Memorial BD Part 1*
Led by Copper
45 SSH
He had Covid, double pneumonia and a blood oxygen level of 45 could have died
21 Hand Release Merkins
He was 21 days in a coma, could have died 2nd time
42 Mountain Climbers (double count)
He coded, his blood oxygen was 42 and had to have 3 rounds of CPR, could have died 3rd time.
96 second low plank
He was in ICU for 96 days
Run “Hamburger Hill”
Run around the block counter clockwise to get the most out of the hill. He loved the big hill in the neighborhood and called it hamburger hill because it “made your ass feel like hamburger”.
Rinse and repeat. Some PAX got 2.5 rounds in, most got two.
*Shawshank Memorial BD Part 2*
Led by Slum Lord
Shawshank battled cancer for 25 months
25x Big Boy Sit-ups
25x No Surrenders
25x American Hammers 🔨
*Bear Crawl Inch Worm to opposite end of court (approx 25 yards)
25x High slow flutter kicks
25x Low slow squats
25x Toy Soldiers
* Tunnel of love (45lb KB) to other end of court.
Repeat as needed
*MARY:* Nope
*COT:* Counted off, Name o’rama, said a few things in memory of Shawshank, so the man, named our FNG and prayed it out!