AO: Clinic
When: 12/10/2021
Number of Pax: 19
Pax Names: Barbossa, Boondock, Brad Pitt, Clickbait, Copper, Driftwood, Farm Country, Hooch, Icy Hot, Ikea, Lexi, Lizard King, Ponzi, Rojas, Stopwatch, Subzero, Surf N Turf, Swing Line, Wax-on,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Rembrandts
Warmarama; A quick lap around The Clinic illuminated by the magical Christmas lights. Due to a lite precipitation we formed a circle on the stage. Executed some SSH, Weed Pickers, Sun Gods, Merkins, and Squats.
BEAR IN THE WOODS: Utilizing one of the most underrated exercises in our lexicon, The Bear Crawl, we executed 20 Bear Crawl steps. Ever 5 steps we would “poop” (back half of a Mike Tyson). Then we would execute 20 Crawl Bears back. Every 5 steps we would “sniff” (A Carolina Dry Dock). Then we would execute 20 Mike Tysons. We repeated 2 more rounds of Bear in the Woods followed by 20 Squats and 20 Merkins.
BUCKET OF DEATH: (Formally known as Circle of Death but renamed by Lexi. Good call) Pax form a circle with all 19 brothers. 1 x 1 each brother chooses a block from the bucket, each block has an exercise written on it. 30lb dumbbells, 20lb slam ball, cinder blocks provided as needed. As one pax ran a 1:00-ish lap in the rain, the rest of the pax executed their chosen exercise. When the runner returned he tagged the pax at spot 19 to be the next runner, then everyone rotated one spot to perform the exercise written on that spot’s block. A whole body beatdown ensued. This routine is a great when you have large numbers.
WET GRONKS: I heard The Clinic liked to play in the soggy grass, as long as no harm is done to said grass, so I wanted to run Gronks. One of my Catbox favorites. We split into 2 groups, QBs and receivers. The first receiver runs to the cone 10 yards away and cuts inward. The QB passes the ball. If the catch is made we celebrate with 5 Squat-Jumps, if the pass is dropped we execute 5 Burpees. The darkness, rain, and Christmas lights created a high rate of difficulty resulting in a high number of Burpees.
COT: We ended with prayers for family and friends that are dealing with injury and illness. We prayed for strength, guidance, courage and grace. As the guest Q, I took the 6th man to talk about how they say F3 is free, but I believe that every time you post you pay a “price”. The realization that even though we are all grown men we still have a lot of work to do. That’s why I always have mad respect for the men standing next to me.
MOLESKIN: Special shout out to Icy Hot for inviting me to lead the men of The Clinic. We spoke about the need for more interaction between AOs, especially on the 2nd F level. The Wet Gronks was my fav part of the beatdown, as the Q I’m always amazed what you can get grown men to do.