AO: Clinic

When: 06/01/2022


Number of Pax: 21

Pax Names: Barbossa, Bellhop, Blue Light, Chevy, Copper, Eggplant, Finckle, Glamour Shots, Icy Hot, Melon, Meter Maid, Misc., Nightshade, Plus 8, Prime, Rojas, Steeplechase, Stopwatch, Swing Line, Swingline, Wax-on,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Copper!

Copper Q 6/1/22 Clinic

Adventure Race Beatdown

Welcome, credo, mission & core values recited.

Warm o Rama:


Copperhead merkins

Copperhead squats

Weed pickers

Sun gods

Michael Phelps

The Thang:

Divide into teams of 2. Stations are set up hidden around the amphitheater and fountain area. Teams run around searching for stations. Each station has a workout to be completed by the team together. The goal is to get to all the stations. At 6:05 all teams were to come back to the flag. If all stations have been found, teams would return to the flag and roll the exercise dice.


  1. 75 squats
  2. 100 LBCs
  3. 50 Bonnie Blair’s
  4. 100 calf raises
  5. 100 Bobby Hurleys
  6. 100 monkey humpers
  7. 100 flutter kicks
  8. 50 imperial squatters
  9. 50 Box jumps
  10. 100 step ups
  11. 60 Dips
  12. 20 burpees

No team got more than 9 stations but all stations were found by at least one team.

COT happened, coffeteria was great!


Weasley was there too.

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