AO: Lions Den
When: 10/17/2023
Number of Pax: 17
Pax Names: Barrel Monkey, Chubbs, Fleetwood, Ghillie, Hartford, Ice T, Landing Strip, Mall Cop, Odd Job, Osh-Kosh, Pie Bar (PB), Rug Burn, Saget, Sleepy Joe, Spicoli, Swap, Tackleberry,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Oddjob
WARMUP: Run to hill bottom of Liberty. 25 SSH’s, longing for a whiff of sugary dough from the Giggle Monster.
6mins (and 45 secs) of terror on the b-ball court
Hung around there to farmer carry a couple coupons with exercises mixed in.
All got stronger. Some got salty too, and OJ sorta cares.
MARY: Wall planks
Landing Strip was 6th man. He found time to procreate in the midst of moving to a new house and training to fly an Airbus. Well done!
Chubbs offers words of wisdom/warning.
COT: Prayers for Charmin; Izzy’s surgery next week; Sleepy Joes 2.0 with illness; Barrel Monkey co-worker with health concerns; Ice-T and M heavily leaning towards foster care.