01/09/2023 - Colosseum - Mile Monday

Warm-o-rama. SSH.  Imperial Walkers.  Weedpickers.  Sun Gods.  Michael Phelps. The Thang. Run a mile for personal time.  Grab a coupon and head to the whiteboard.  20 Curls, 20 Dips, 20…

11/28/2022 - Colosseum - 1000 Before Breakfast

Warm-O-Rama. SSH.  Imperial Walkers.  Weed Pickers.  Sun Gods.  Michael Phelps. The Thang. Trying to recreate one Vespa did here.  (1) Mucho Leg-O (1 narrow squat, 1 normal squat, 1 wide…

10/31/2022 - 3rd F - Halloween Rundown

Did a fun themed Halloween beatdown. Started with a warmorama, then beatdown began. There were 3 mini-beatdowns. The PAX were given a clue 1 at time to the location of…

10/22/2022 - Chatterbox - 24 men, 1 Shaft

Warmorama – lap around the track. Side Straddle Hops, Weed Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Copper Head Squats The Thang The Shaft shamelessly borrowed from F3 West Cobb ladder style workout, working…