AO: Chatterbox
When: 01/21/2023
Number of Pax: 17
Pax Names: Bagger, Chevette, Chevy, Chubb, Doddy, Grimace, Grylls, Harbor Freight, Honeypot, LBC, Lizard King, Nesquik, Trill, Uncle Dick, Vanilli,
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names:
QIC: Bagger
To continue the ongoing string of one Q per month Bagger agreed to own the beatdown for Narco in the chilly gloom at Dupree Park. To get things started, we put coupons in parking spaces usually reserved for the Chatterbox senior citizens like Lizard King, which got the mumble chatter kick started early. There was a lot of apprehension as the PAX stared at coupons that were heavier than our normal fare. These coupons were special. They were imported all the way from the Canton Home Depot. After marveling at the coupons and a lengthy discussion about why there were two shovel flags, neither of which were the Chatterbox flag, PAX moseyed around the track.
We came back around to the flag and jumped into the parking lot to mix up our usual sequence.
Hillbillies, Weed Pickers, Copper Head Squats, Merkins, Straddle Hops, Sun Gods, and Michael Phelps
The Thang.
We immediately conducted a count to identify three man teams. Lots of chatter about why we counted out the way we did. Sometimes PAX gets a little set in their ways and a bit of fresh approach is good for the brain. With PAX partnered up in three person groups, we jumped into a binkie routine that had one team member take off running, the other team member grabbing the coupon, and the third team member moving into a specific exercise. Then once the running team member returned, each team member switched to the next segment. The segments were as follows:
Overhead Press with Coupon
American Hammers
Squats with Coupon
Big Boy Sit Ups
Curls with Coupon
Flutter Kicks
Man Makers with Coupon
Swings with Coupon
Plank Jacks
Bench Press with Coupon
Hardos finished early and ran the track one time before returning to assist PAX with delivering the new coupons to their happy resting place behind the electric shed.
PAX then broke out into two teams for a glorious round of Ultimate Football. Honey Pot earned the Defensive MVP award and we learned that Nesquick is, in fact, not invisible. He scored a touchdown. We saw that Trill has a rocket arm and will be working in the offseason on his accuracy. Bagger, Harbor Freight, and Chubb all dropped easy touchdowns. They will be suspended for the first half of the next beatdown they attend (or do 10 burpees before it starts). Vanilli continued to do a horrible job of hiding his uber-competitive heart and cheated by claiming a touchdown that instant replay would have clearly shown him on the one yard line. Some things never change. We saw that with a little attention defensively, neither Grimace nor Uncle Dick made much of a contribution. No idea who won. And maybe that didn’t matter. All in all, everyone ran around and had a great time.
We welcomed a FNG and named him Curve Ball. He is the son of Uncle Dick and with Gaylord present, we kind of had three generations of one family at the beatdown. Pretty cool! The family that sweats together gets together? No, that doesn’t really work. But you get the point.
We closed out in a Circle of Trust and were thankful for the impact each PAX has on others and not to take that for granted. Lives are changed through F3 fellowship and we are all better for having come out this morning.