AO: Lions Den
When: 07/16/2024
Number of Pax: 21
Pax Names: Arrid, Barrel Monkey, Charmin, Chops, Chubbs, Diners Club, Dry Socket, Hard Drive, Hurley, Ice T, LaFleur, Magnum, McCroskey, Odd Job, Push It, Roscoe P, Rubber Ducky, Saget, Spicoli, Tackleberry, Tugboat,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Oddjob
WARMUP: No time to pick the weeds.
THE THANG: See Title.
MARY: Nada.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3rdF breakfast. SFN event in Aug.
COT: Chubbs reminded the PAX that God can use the unwanted and uncomfortable circumstances of our lives for good.
The Q’s two cents – let’s look to Him and invite Him into those spaces.
Prayers for Sagets dad; Dry Sockets grandmother. Not mentioned, but as a reminder, let’s continue to thank God for His movement in Felicity’s life up to this point.