06/30/2022 - Lions Den - Pendulum I

YHC tried something new today, a little engineering and use of the “double monster hills” at TLD allowed for the creation of Pendulum I! Warmup: Mosey, bunch-a-stuff: high knees, butt-kickers,…

05/20/2022 - 3rd F - Another SSH??

Started with some 21s.  Had to do 4 rounds and that was only because the lights went out and YHC couldn’t see if Chuck or Couch Potato kept going. Explained…

03/10/2022 - Lions Den - Third Times a charm VQ

WSB’s forecast = WRONG.  Fleetwood = CORRECT.  Clear and cold this AM.  No Rain!! Mosey to Basketball court Warm-o-rama : Michael Phelps, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats, Weed Pickers, Sungods The…

02/05/2022 - Woodshed - WMD’s

Warmorama : SSH x 12 WP x 10 Imperial Walkers x 12 Michael Phelps Sungods Moroccan Nightclubs The Thang: Theme: Colin Powell’s Speech to the UN on Iraq WMD’s 19th…