07/03/2020 - Crossroads - Move It!
Warm up. weedpickers in the weeds, good mornings, sun gods and michael phelps The Thang. No Mercy Mile, Nicole, Griff, Quadriphilia, little bit of Mary and a sprint down and…
Warm up. weedpickers in the weeds, good mornings, sun gods and michael phelps The Thang. No Mercy Mile, Nicole, Griff, Quadriphilia, little bit of Mary and a sprint down and…
F3SPN Highlights: Sputnik rolling in the wins as Captain @Lexi with all the catches the last two games @Ringo keeping the tosses low to the deck @Powder Puff with some…
Duggar came straight from the hospital to the beatdown and with Doctor’s note in hand specifying no restrictions joined us for a fun one. Warmup: Moseyed to the roundabout, circled…
Round Robin Tourney! 4 30 min games – winner of first two games keeps their team together, others have to repick. Sputnik’s team swept the day! MVP goes to Whiff…
Started off the first two series with flags, but switched to two hand touch after those two series. Not a really competitive game, as the good guys smashed the losers…
INTRO: Looking at the Q Sheet on Sunday, YHC noticed it was empty for the best Monday AO, north of HWY 20, so I claimed the Q. What to do??…
Intro: My typical Q planning method: Wing it My League Q planning method: Panic Warm-o-Rama: Nope The Thang: I grew up playing all kinds of stupid made up games.…
Intro: We played Speedgate – Ultimate Style. Warm-o-Rama: None. YHC just explained the rules. Then YHC and Westside picked teams. YHC just let Westside have the first pick. NEVER AGAIN! …
Intro: UF! Warm-o-Rama: Disc tossing and routes The Thang: 10v10 10-9 final, shirts on top COT: Prayers for Madison’s mission trip (8-bits 2.0) and for new 2.0s. Naked Man Moleskin:…