08/08/2024 - Safari - The ole 2 step

WARMUP: lil mosey and some stretching THE THANG: back and forth on the upper lot parking spaces. If you really wanna know what we did then you should have gotten…

03/20/2024 - MorningWood - Nice Beaver

WARMUP: The real Hardos ran the Collett loop… THE THANG: Running the Beaver An out and back tour of Beaver Rd. The traffic was much heavier than usual adding to…

01/27/2024 - Hurt Locker - Galatines Party

WARMUP: thigh and calf massages and feet rubs;.Fudd’s massive calves required the massaging from all available PAX, including those walking the park THE THANG: #1The original walls of Jericho, not…

01/08/2024 - Hurt Locker - Staying Warm

WARMUP: Mission Stmt, Imperial Walkers, Good mornings, Weed Pickers, Wind Mills, and Michael Phelps THE THANG: #1 – Stuff on the Turf Field a. Starting at GL, run 100 Yds…