AO: Forge

When: 10/19/2022


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Bookworm, Doddy, Drumstick, Grimace, Lizard King, Narco, Nesquik, Nomad, Odd Job, Saluki, Trill, Uncle Dick, Vanilli,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Saluki

The beatdown was inspired by Drumstick. Anyone who desired to have a physique like Drummy’s participated. It is rumored that Drumstick does this workout at least once a week in the gym, sometimes more. He hand delivered the rough outline of the beatdown to YHC (Saluki), but it was adapted to fit the purposes of this morning’s workout and location.

Dora-style. Partner up, and one partner exercises while the other partner runs about 200 yards. All reps were 100 combined between partners.

D: Derkins

R: Rows

U: Upright Rows

M: Man-Makers

S: Squats

T: Tricep Extension

I: More Squats, bc who needs an “I?”

C: Curls

K: KB Swings

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