AO: Broadway
When: 12/13/2023
Number of Pax: 15
Pax Names: Brad Pitt, Canoe, Duster, E-tool, Exile, Green Mile, Jar Jar, Lamb Chop, Picanha, Python, Quadzilla, Sailor Moon, Sooorie, Stage Dive, ZORDON,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Canoe
WARMUP: SSH, Mountain Climber, Ranger Merkin, LBC, AC, MP and 2 minute Air Squat
THE THANG: Ruck with Ruck Sack or Sandbag or both QT route with 2 minute Air Squat followed by 100 yard double time to the flag area. Pax circled up for Sandbag Squat, Upright Row, Overhead Press in cadence followed by a 200 yard Indian Run. Repeated same with Reverse Lunge Swing, Suitcase R/L Leg, Alternate Shoulder Press & Indian Run then Sandbag Swing, Shoulder Press from 6, Good Morning & Indian Run then Sandbag Deadlift, Leg Lift Chest Press and American Hammer. Grip Strength check with 15# and 20# dumbbell.
MARY: on time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Wreaths Across Americana sign-up, Red Top Mountain 1/2, and Dec. 30th Convergence and Polar Plunge. Check Slack for details.
COT: Prayers Spoken and Unspoken