02/06/2025 - Apex - Duster Q
WARMUP: -side straddle hops, imperial walkers, weed pickers, little arm circles, Michael Phelps THE THANG: Coupons in use 50 overhead press -stair run 6 times 50 bench press -stair run…
WARMUP: -side straddle hops, imperial walkers, weed pickers, little arm circles, Michael Phelps THE THANG: Coupons in use 50 overhead press -stair run 6 times 50 bench press -stair run…
WARMUP: did that THE THANG: inchworm races, terrible triceps, biceps to “everybody hurts” written Al Green and stolen by REM. Tiki Walks MARY: yes ANNOUNCEMENTS: Duster unleashed chemical warfare on…
WARMUP: Normal stuff THE THANG: partner up and one person runs while other does various coupon exercises then switch MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS:
WARMUP: SSH, IW, CHS, AC, MO THE THANG: 3 beatdown areas 1-2-3. Divided up total Pax for each area then switched by airhorn every 12 minutes. (1) Bear Crawl between…
We did things! Terrible
WARMUP: SSH, IW, CHS, Arm Circles, MP THE THANG: 3 Corner BD (1) Shoulder Tapps/American Hammer Bear Crawl 13 yards Merkins/Freddy Mercury Bear Crawl 13 yards Mountain Climbers/Box Cutters Bear…
WARMUP: -side straddle hops, imperial walkers, weed pickers, little arm circles and Michael Phelps. THE THANG: -4 sets of 25 reps with coupons (bench press, overhead press, curls and bent…
WARMUP: Side Straddle Hop – 20 (cadence) Weed Picker – 10 (cadence) Windmill – 10 (cadence) Monkey Humpers – 25 (cadence) THE THANG: Had PAX mosey in the parking lot…
WARMUP: very little oyo-time restraint THE THANG: rucked Etowah cross country trail MARY: compass ANNOUNCEMENTS: Veterans National Cemetery-Wreaths Across America is December 12-come help unload 1000’s of wreaths-questions contact Edibles…
Copper Q 11/25/24 Apex Adventure Race Beatdown Warm o Rama: SSH The Thang: Divide into teams of 2. Stations are set up hidden around the high school, middle school and…