02/28/2020 - Clinic - One Minute Over

Intro:  YHC broke his finger playing basketball, so the beatdown he planned had to be modified. Warm-o-Rama:  Run up the middle row of stairs to the top of the outdoor…

02/12/2020 - Clinic - Stimulation Guaranteed

Intro: Maximum stimulation: batteries not included. Warm-o-Rama: Mosey’d up and around the stadium stairs, circle up on the squishy stimulating grass. x20 stimulating SSH’s (4-count) x20 stimulating Imperial Walkers (4-count)…

02/07/2020 - Clinic - Race Day

Warm-o-Rama: Mosey around the amphitheater lawn, up the stairs and back down the other side, and up onto the stage 10 SSH 15 Butt Kicks Sun Gods The Thang: Split…

02/03/2020 - Clinic - The Return of Hide and Seek

Intro: Bustin’ out a classic. Warm-o-Rama: Long Mosey around the whole park, SSH, Weedpickers, Driftweeds, Michael Phelps, Sun Gods The Thang: One player “hides” while the rest complete an exercise.…