01/05/2022 - Rattlesnake Riviera - Beautiful

1/4/22 Rattlesnake Riviera- Beatiful PAX: Nano, P-Body, Monet,Tenderloin,Hottie,Paper Jam,Hustler, Chops, and Charmin Q: YHC The Thang: Warmed up with some Sun Gods, Michael Phelps and Weedpickers until Nano and P-Body…

12/16/2021 - Radio Silence - Stress Free Burn

Cherokee brothers welcomed some neighboring NOGA pax this warm December morning. All PAX were asked to bring all their stress/prayers/EOY concerns to Burn. Them. Off. Pre Pre-Run @ 0430 Pre…

12/09/2021 - Radio Silence - Tennis – Sans Balls

Warm-o-rama: Short mosey followed by disclaimer, SSH, weedpickers, windmills, imperial walkers, Michael Phelps, and arm circles. Short Circuit issues disclaimer that he ate Mexican last night and we mosey to…

11/29/2021 - Spin Class - Dwelling Gloom

Trail day for Spin class   The thing: Make a trip around the Dwelling Loop at Blankets Creek on the beautiful gloom of this chilly Monday morning.  We had near…

11/19/2021 - Clinic - Coupon Delivery

Warm-O-Rama A pax of Ruckers met up at The Clinic and then split-off before the work-out to get miles in, meeting back with us for the COT & BOM. Ran…