04/28/2023 - 3rd F - SMR
There are two types of men. Doers and not doers. 21 Brave souls were Doers and took on the 22,000 plus feet of elevation over 207.82 miles of Smokey Mountains.…
There are two types of men. Doers and not doers. 21 Brave souls were Doers and took on the 22,000 plus feet of elevation over 207.82 miles of Smokey Mountains.…
See the infographic attached, we only made it to #10 before time expired. Must have spent too much time on the enthusiastic, tone-setting warm up! 2 miles – check, theme…
The intrepid Pax of MW braved the driving rain to traverse the heretofore uncharted and quite hilly brownfields of Woodmont with the hopes of ascending mount Gaddis to destroy a…
Moseyed over toward the loop and picked up Babyface on the way. Warmorama consisted of weed pickers, good mornings, and goofballs and then we got to work. Given…
Did 17 sets of the following, Burpee, Merkin, lunge, squat, box, cutter, mountain, climber, run. Gecko that is VQ and is now Laura croft. It’s bloodhounds fault this is
Ran like the wind! Leaky is the greatest site Q
The Monday Morning S.H.I.T.S The beatdown commence with a light mosey to the new activity center where we warmed up with Side Straddle Hops, Weed Pickers, Windw Mills and Sun…
We completed F3 Cardinals (Knoxville) VQ. Warm-o-Roma 15 Side Straddle Hops 10 Tempo Merkins 10 Flutter Kicks Double Count 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward 10 Little Baby Arm Circles…
Warm Up Good Mornings, Copperhead Squat, SSH, Sun Gods, Michael Phelps The Thang Started with a “Mini Murph”. 10 merkins on the trail behind the field, run up to pull…
Warm-up: After Grabbing some bricks we ran to the LAX fields and circled up. Rest Stop led us through the 5 core principles and the motto of F3 perfectly then…