11/10/2022 - Lions Den - Stronger

STRONGER Today we got stronger for those people in our lives who need us to be stronger. Warmups. Abuse began when Q inadvertently said “Cotton Head Merkins” rather than “Copperhead…

09/20/2022 - Lions Den - The Nolan

Mosey around upper parking lot Warm o rama — The Standard — SSh, Imperial walkers, WeedPickers, Merks & Squats, Sungods & Michael Phelps The Thang– Modified NOLAN Pax 1 -…

08/30/2022 - Lions Den - Pinch Hitter

This morning YHC had opportunity to pinch hit for a HIM (Saget) who needed some rest. Pinch hitters strike out more than they do anything else. YHC was no exception.This…

08/25/2022 - Lions Den - Fat Blaster

Mosey: Very short mosey to other side of upper lot: SSH; WP’s; MK’s; IW’s; Overhead Claps (in cadence); SG’s; Michael Phelps (in cadence) The Thang: Run 2 laps (path utilized…

08/23/2022 - Lions Den - LEG DAY!

well as the title explains it was a classic lafleur beatdown with 90% legs and 10% everything else we started with a mosey down and around the hill and then…