07/03/2024 - Broadway - Jam sesh with the boys

WARMUP: suitcase carry around the parking lot switching halfway, SSH, Imperials Walkers, Weed Pickers, Michael Phelps, Sun gods THE THANG: ruck march to the music, when music stops, circut workout…

06/27/2024 - Radio Silence - Blimps And Burps

STANDARD: combo trail and road run. 2.1 miles. Minimal spiderwebs. Beautiful morning for a run. WARMUP: weed pickers, tumble weeds, iron cross, burpees, lunges, imp walkers, CH merks, plank jacks…

06/07/2024 - Armory - 82nd Airborne

WARMUP: stay put and do some IC stretchy exercises THE THANG: We patterned up, grabbed a sandbag, and moved to the lower parking lot. Partner A did 8 sandbag over…