AO: WoodstockRucks
When: 12/15/2021
Number of Pax: 13
Pax Names: 8-Bit, Avis, Baby Ruth, Bonilla, Brain Fart, Coco, Dropbox, Hass, High Ball, Hopper, Mouth-2-Mouth, Rambling Wreck, Super Dave,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Dropbox
To do something a little different this year, I wanted to get as many PAX as we could to come out for a ruck to view Christmas Lights. We have been deciding on a location to hold this event and to help fellow pax Uhhh Brain Fart, we decided to do this at Harmony on the Lakes.
We started a little bit earlier than the usual Wednesday Night Special and traveled as a group. Fellow pax were dressed in unique festive ways. Bonilla was a walking electrical issue but supplied tunes for us as well as the occasional Dad Joke! Hopper was missing his usual ruck balloon ,but I believe it will make a showing next year. We got in some miles, 5.5 roughly, as well as some hills. We all enjoyed each others company and even made a special stop to sing Jingle Bells to Uhhh BrainFart’s M. Many fartsacking pax houses were disclosed for future rucking events and as tradition, we ended with Waho!
We prayed for Oracle’s family as well as Hass and Gutcheck.