AO: Safari

When: 03/28/2024


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Bloodhound, Dollywood, Duggar, Fluffer, FMB (Fire Marshal Bill), Hopper, Leaky, Oxbow, Pellatan, Rest Stop, Slum Lord, Super Dave,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Oxbow

WARMUP: Mosey, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Good Mornings, Arm Circles

Defense: “7 of Diamonds”
Innings 1 & 2
RF – 7 Jump Squats
CF – 7 Burpees
LF – 7 Jump Squats
Home – 7 Monkey Humpers
Infield – 7 Pickups
Inning 3: 14 reps same exercises
Inning 4: 7 Merkins Each Station

Offense: “Vicious Circle”
Inning 1: PAX Bear crawl bases. Last Man moseys to pitcher mound for 5 Merkins & returns to front of PAX.
Inning 2: PAX lunge walks bases. Last man moseys to pitcher mound for 5 BBS, returns to front.
Inning 3: PAX back peddle bases. Last man moseys to pitcher mound for 5 Merkins, returns to front.
Inning 4: PAX lunge walks bases. Last man moseys to pitcher mound for 5 BBS, returns to front.

MARY: Freddie Mercuries, Flying V?, (whatever you call air sizzlers), LBC, More Freddie Mercuries

ANNOUNCEMENTS: One More Mile, Oxbow needs to take better notes for Backblasts….

COT: Bloodhound, Duggar, Super Dave, Oxbow’s friend, Yogi’s Dad. (Sincere apologies if I missed something)

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