04/21/2023 - Armory - Death by The Bunny

Beautiful morning — literally perfect for F3. It was time get “pumped”! Hanz and Franz couldn’t make it, so we made do with Cocktail, Lt. Dan and YHC. We each…

02/10/2023 - Armory - Armed and Dangerous

Wasn’t sure if we’d have anybody today, but really glad Cocktail showed up, so I wouldn’t have to do a sucky solo workout.  LOL WOR: Mosey up the hill to…

08/19/2022 - Armory - Worst Ring of Fire Ever

Warm-o-Rama SSHs, weedpickers, Imperial Walkers, Merkins Ring of fire with 5 stations – 2.5 minutes per station Tennessee Iditarod 20 Merkins Side shuffle with resistance band Jump rope Bear Crawl…

07/30/2022 - The Ronin (Closed) - IronPax 4

Freaking Tenderloin: 4th installment of Iron PAX Practice this Saturday. (Counting last weeks ruck). 3 rounds 5 burp-up ( burpee/pull ups) 5 squat-ups (squat, jump, pull up) 5 regular pull…

07/25/2022 - Hurt Locker - Variety Pack

Short mosey down to the turf. Warmorama with SSH, Windmill, and Hill Billies. One lap around the field – run the length, besrcrawl across, run the length back, crabwalk across…

07/22/2022 - Armory - Lucky/Sucky 22

Besides being the current day of the month, 22 is a special number in my family, for several reasons, including my wife’s basketball number when she was growing up and…