06/09/2023 - Armory - 🚫🦵🦵No Legs
Grab a coupon and Mosey to back of Cherokee High School. Drop the coupons and Mosey down and back up the hill just to get the heart rate up. …
Grab a coupon and Mosey to back of Cherokee High School. Drop the coupons and Mosey down and back up the hill just to get the heart rate up. …
Will it rain or will it hold off? A quick pocket of heavy ran blew over Cherokee High School and left just before the start of the BD making it…
Beautiful morning — literally perfect for F3. It was time get “pumped”! Hanz and Franz couldn’t make it, so we made do with Cocktail, Lt. Dan and YHC. We each…
The route was chosen by which PAX showed up. If 8bit showed we would run his Hospital route. If Auquaman showed then we would run his Car lot route. If…
Wasn’t sure if we’d have anybody today, but really glad Cocktail showed up, so I wouldn’t have to do a sucky solo workout. LOL WOR: Mosey up the hill to…
Warm-up: After Grabbing some bricks we ran to the LAX fields and circled up. Rest Stop led us through the 5 core principles and the motto of F3 perfectly then…
Warm-o-Rama SSHs, weedpickers, Imperial Walkers, Merkins Ring of fire with 5 stations – 2.5 minutes per station Tennessee Iditarod 20 Merkins Side shuffle with resistance band Jump rope Bear Crawl…
Freaking Tenderloin: 4th installment of Iron PAX Practice this Saturday. (Counting last weeks ruck). 3 rounds 5 burp-up ( burpee/pull ups) 5 squat-ups (squat, jump, pull up) 5 regular pull…
Short mosey down to the turf. Warmorama with SSH, Windmill, and Hill Billies. One lap around the field – run the length, besrcrawl across, run the length back, crabwalk across…
Besides being the current day of the month, 22 is a special number in my family, for several reasons, including my wife’s basketball number when she was growing up and…