10/07/2021 - Apex - Random heavy things – Tabata
This BB is waayyy overdue. I’m going to get right to the point: warm-o-rama – yes there was a brief one. The Thing: I basically emptied my garage of some…
This BB is waayyy overdue. I’m going to get right to the point: warm-o-rama – yes there was a brief one. The Thing: I basically emptied my garage of some…
Braves are still in it, so YHC decided to run the baseball BD back with some new exercises. After SSH, Imperial Walkers, Weedpickers for Warm-o-rama, we moseyed to a parking…
Short mosey to warmup. Side-straddle hops, weedpickers, imperial walkers, sun gods and Michael Phelps. The Thang. Split into two teams. Each team draws a pokemon card which corresponds to an…
Warmorama: SSHs, Mountain Climbers, Weedpickers, Tumbleweeds, Sungods, MPs 6 stations setup in 3 rows of 2 exercises about 20 yards apart. Using a tabata timer PAX had 90 seconds to…
To celebrate the Braves actually advancing in the playoffs, YHC designed a baseball-themed BD. PAX had to ‘run the bases,’ which were exercise stations walked off in a diamond, 90…
A few brave souls showed up early and went for a pre-trail run led by Slow Burn, or a Snot Rocket solo pre-ruck. We moseyed down towards the bottom parking…
Have you ever been driving on Hwy 92 between Woodstock and the Cobb County line and looked over to see all the cell and radio towers and thought, “I wonder…
Quick warm-o-Rama, had to get busy chasing the rabbit! Chase the Rabbit is a good mix of cardio and various exercises. Throw a coupon in there and it just sucks!…
Warmorama: jog, ssh, weedpickers,Phelps, thang: 10 burpees farmer carry 2 coupons/ overhead if 1 coupon 10 burpees 25 merkins farmer carry 2coupons / overhead if 1 10 burpees 25 merkins…
Mosey down to the lower parking lot where we circled up for Warmorama 10 IC SSH 10 IC Imperial Walkers 10 IC Hillbillies 9 IC Weed Pickers The Thang 1…