AO: Blacktop

When: 06/28/2024


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Brad Pitt, Coco, Geek, JackBauer (JB), Lt. Dan, Maaco, Mater, Tenderloin, Turtlehead, Uncle Dick, Wastewater,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Wastewater

YHC arrived early to the Blacktop (like 5 minutes before Startex) expecting a small group, but alas I was greeted with a growing and excited group of PAX. Management was present and had his clipboard looking for those dang TPS Reports. Had Spaceballs failed to put the correct cover sheet on the front? I don’t know but I knew I had to bring the heat.

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot, playing YHC’s ice cream truck alarm while I fumbled to get my commercial rich Spotify playing the best, free, classic rock jams. Circle up for Mission Statement, disclaimer, and a out of order core principals. IW, SSH, WP, Tumble Weeds, little baby arm circles and Michael Phelps/COVID.

THE THANG: Mosey to wall for racoon crawls. try and carefully dismount walls and go to front for circuit work.

3 rounds of 5 exercises.
Derkins, split squats (1 round for each leg) and elevated Obligues hip raises (1 round for each side) Coco left after he couldn’t find the TPS cover sheets and headed to the Clinic to bring the gainz.

Mosey over for some Calf raises and then Mosey to Mt. Killamylunga.

Up Killamylunga with 3 burpees at every light pole. mosey back down grabbing a rock on way down. Go back up Killamylunga doing 10 curls at each light. Swap your rock after each set of curls. Start at top with 10 BOR and 10 LBCs, swap rocks at each lightbpole.

While at the top, a gentleman parked his van nearby and his dogs got out. the large dog wasn’t impressed but the little dog, we named Banjo was ready to work. he accompanied the PAX down Killamylunga providing encouragement until Mater helped escort him back to his owner.

Put the rocks back on the way down but continue with LBCs at each light.

Mosey back.

MARY: few seconds of six inches (TWSS)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4th of July Convergence, have a half a cow raffle,
COT: Lt Dan’s dad, Wastewater list of folks.

Exile came for a few minutes of coffee and Maaco and Wastewater quality time.

thanks for coming out and letting me lead!!

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