AO: Apex

When: 08/28/2023


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Black Swan, Cabana, Choir Boy, Duster, Exile, Flash, Lamb Chop, Maaco, Picanha, Pie face, Python, Snot Rocket, Tapps, Tinfoil,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Tinfoil

THE THANG: grabbed coupons and met at the MS parking lot. Pax paired up and started in the middle parking line one pax moved left and the other to the right they then did 1 rep of the exercise and then ran to their partners coupon where then move the coupon to the next parking line and then did 2 reps. This was repeated until we were on the opposite ends of the parking lot which was 22 line (253) reps of the exercise

Round 1 – Crawl bear dragging the coupon to the line and calve raises at the line.

Round 2 – Rifle carry with OH press
MARY: made it through half a round of rock paper scissors Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q source starting next Tuesday at 5am at Stockyard / Iron Pax starting next week.
COT: Prayers for Dusters acceleration, Stage Dives friend with pancreatic cancer, Tinfoil step brother post brain surgery.

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