AO: Broadway
When: 01/03/2024
Number of Pax: 12
Pax Names: Brad Pitt, Canoe, Duster, Exile, Green Mile, JackBauer (JB), Jar Jar, Quadzilla, Sailor Moon, Sooorie, Stage Dive, Wastewater,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Wastewater
WARMUP: Ruck around the parking lot, down the hill, Bernie up the hill. Plank for mission statement (full disclaimer was not given). Ground rucks, SSH, weed pickers, 5 core principals and 5 man makers, Michael Phelps, sun gods, arm pretzels and maybe more.
THE THANG: 13-31. Bent over rows, curls and overhead press at top of hill, lunges at bottom. Starting with 1 at the top for first 3 exercises and 10 at bottom. Bernie up hill on every 3rd trip. Increase reps at top and decrease reps at bottom like 11’s
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Babyface’s CSAUP, Wreaths across America Cleanup, Q-Source with Exile at Starbucks in Kroger Friday at 0600.
COT: Praise for Jar Jar’s test results. Prayers for injured PAX recoveries.