01/09/2023 - Colosseum - Mile Monday

Warm-o-rama. SSH.  Imperial Walkers.  Weedpickers.  Sun Gods.  Michael Phelps. The Thang. Run a mile for personal time.  Grab a coupon and head to the whiteboard.  20 Curls, 20 Dips, 20…

01/06/2023 - Clinic - 4 Square

(Weasley and Weasley’s friend Pinto was there) The YHC started by moseying half a mile down to the fire station where we did Warmarama in front of the station. We…

05/23/2022 - Oz - Wash the Shampoo Out

2.os present, Ringpop and Chickenfight Looks like all the rain and a little Vespa Q scared everyone off.  Scamper had an “impromptu boss called a last minute meeting” meeting this…

05/20/2022 - 3rd F - Another SSH??

Started with some 21s.  Had to do 4 rounds and that was only because the lights went out and YHC couldn’t see if Chuck or Couch Potato kept going. Explained…

05/16/2022 - Oz - Bear down

It’s been a minute since I’ve been to the Oz, but still know my way around. Two lost boys chicken fight and ring pop joined! we did a quick mosey…

05/02/2022 - Oz - F3 softball

+2 lost boys – Ringpop and Chickenfight who worked out in bare feet this morning because he couldn’t find his shoes and YHC had no time to waste! Warm-up Mosy’d…