AO: Clinic
When: 01/06/2023
Number of Pax: 14
Pax Names: Barbossa, Butterfly, Glamour Shots, Lasso, Misc., Rojas, Scotchguard, Sgt. Slaughter, Snow White, Steeplechase, Test Tube, Vespa,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Weasley
(Weasley and Weasley’s friend Pinto was there)
The YHC started by moseying half a mile down to the fire station where we did Warmarama in front of the station. We ran back to the front of the Amphitheater.
4 Square
There were four corners representing different types of excersices, then mosey to the next station. Once you get to station 4 you run up the steps and down the other side back to station 1. Round 2 of Stretches is the same as Round 1. Rinse and Repeat.
Corner #1: ARMS Corner #1: Arms
15 Merkins 20 Merkins
15 Overhead Claps 30 Overhead Claps
15 Moutain Climbers 30 Mountain Climbers
Bear Crawl to Station #2 Bear Crawl to Station #2
Corner #2: Legs Corner #2: Legs
15 Squats 25 Squats
15 Bonnie Blairs (2-count) 25 Bonnie Blairs
15 Box Cutters 25 Box Cutters
15 Flutter Kicks (2-count) 25 Flutter Kicks (2-count)
Corner #3: Stretches (count seconds by Mississippi)
45 sec. Child’s Pose
30 sec. Plank
30 sec. Butterfly
40 sec. Toe Touch (sitting down, alternating each leg)
Corner #4: Random Corner #4: Random
20 Side Straddle Hops 30 Side Straddle Hops
20 Sit-Ups 25 Sit-Ups
15 V-Ups 25 V-Ups
20 Alabama Prom Date 30 Alabama Prom Date
Run Run
We got to exactly the end of round two before we did sprints.
We started on the sidewalk between corner 1 and 2. Then, we sprinted to the closest sidewalk and walked it out to the sidewalk by the round a bout to the Aquatic Center. Then we air chaired for a couple seconds. Then sprinted all the way to the sidewalk we started on.
6th Man: Pinto, Pray for Him in School
Announcements: The Murph Tuesday, Scotchgaurd announced it but said he wasn’t going.😵💫🤪
Prayers: Butterfly, and his job interview at the same company but a different job.
And all the unspoken prayer requests.