03/19/2024 - Murph City - Chick Magnet Strikes Back
WARMUP: Mozied to bottom of hill before pavilion and tries to count things in cadence THE THANG: ADORA: One partner stays to do the exercise, the other runs to pavilion…
WARMUP: Mozied to bottom of hill before pavilion and tries to count things in cadence THE THANG: ADORA: One partner stays to do the exercise, the other runs to pavilion…
Let’s try again with less detail WARMUP: it happened THE THANG: crawl bears, burpees , pull ups brisk run with the V boys and more fun stuff MARY: less than…
WARMUP: hope you did that at home THE THANG: Murph 1 mile run like ya sole something 100 pull ups for fun 200 merkins for more fun 300 squats for…
WARMUP: 1/2 mile mozy THE THANG: jog to light pole, doing 11 merkins and 16 squats, holding the air chair or plank on the 6, then jog to next light…
WARMUP: mosey to back gate with some moving stretches THE THANG: Shake N Bake (partner up. One partner runs to next light post and does merkins. Partner 2 ran to…
WARMUP: Usual suspects THE THANG: Station 1= back to the picnic tables 30 step ups 30 dips 30 box jumps 30 squats Station 2 = Merkin escalator to travel Start…
Anniversary Q Took a lap around the parking lot before stretching then to the thang @(15min EMOMs) with sandbags 1st – 5 man makers / 10 curls / 15 BOR…
Long Warmarama around the track. Pax complained that it was to long but then again they complain if its short! We were warm after long mosey and really just by…
Attention, attention, this is your Q speaking, if you cannot hear me 30 yds away or by the music, obviously that is your issue Walk with bags down to field…
3/4mi Mosey —> around big loop down to amphitheater hill then up to turf field parking lot Warm-O-Rama SSH IC x12 Imperial Walkers IC x12 Weed Pickers IC x12 Sun…