AO: Murph City

When: 03/19/2024


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Chick Magnet, Grimace, Saluki, Sooorie, Space llama, Trill, Tripwire,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chick Magnet

WARMUP: Mozied to bottom of hill before pavilion and tries to count things in cadence
THE THANG: ADORA: One partner stays to do the exercise, the other runs to pavilion for 10 dips then runs back and they switch. The elicited exercises were 75 burpees, 125 big boys, and 200 squats. Ran to the playground for 11s (pull ups at the playground and merkins by the flag). Modified halfway through for time. Merkins moved to by/in the bathroom.
MARY: I hardly knew her.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Savage Race and Limitless 5k
COT: Hand Me Down hopefully new job and Soorie with that new bundle of joy coming soon.

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