AO: Vineyard

When: 02/09/2023


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: BoSox, GoDaddy, Grimace, Lizard King, Nesquik, Soft Spot, Tiny Tat, Trill, Vanilli,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: NesQuik

Basically, I “ReLoaded” the Tour De Vineyard from a couple of weeks ago.  So I am pasting the backblast from that beat down.


We warmed up and stretched.

The Thang!

We ran all over the campus this morning and we all got 3 miles in or close to 3.  We started at the entrance where the banner is and I had tunes to entertain us.  The first song was Amish Paradise by Weird Al, the morning was set for entertainment.

Because I was a dipstick in high school, we did dips along the front rail.  We ran to Arnold Mill and hugged the right side of the road.  We went to the main entrance and picked up a coupon at the drain and did Curls for the Girls!  Then we went to the Grapes of Wrath and did mountain climbers at the bottom.  We ran to the entrance to the middle school, took a left and went up to the gym entrance.  And because we worked on our biceps for the girls, we had to add calf raises to show off our legs.  There we did 3 sets of calf raises (toes pointed out, toes pointed in and toes straight…I have mastered toes pointed back yet LOL).

We ran to the back of the MS and did derkins on the benches.  Then we ran to the back entrance for the lunch room and did burpees, because middle school lunch makes you want to burp.  Then we continued along the back road until we got to where they park the camping trailers and did Imperial Walkers.  We finished our set there and moseyed to a place hardly visited at the Vineyard, the tennis courts.  We worked on our rock hard abs by grabbing on to the fence and doing leg lifts, touching the fence with our toes over our heads.

We ran back toward the entrance doing 5 Merkins at each light pole on the main road and then sprinting to the next, until we reached the yellow gate.  Then we did laps around the parking lot until time expired.

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