AO: WarTowne

When: 01/27/2024


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Alex Garcia08, Big Papi, Chevelle, Chevette, Chevy, Green Mile, JackBauer (JB), Mall Cop, P-body, Pink Slip, Quadzilla, Wastewater,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Mall Cop

WARMUP: Weed pickers, Phelps
THE THANG: The Impossible Mile
1/4mi burpee broad jump
1/4mi bear crawl
1/4mi walking lunge
1/4mi run

Quadzilla CRUSHED IT finishing in something like 41min. P-Body would have finished if he had the whole hour but had to leave early
MARY: yes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Speed For Need back in March, Guns & Hoses sign up and WT/WS travel dates
COT: JB talked about the importance of giving back. Prayers for the family of RedRyder’s electrician and friend who recently passed away

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