AO: Broadway
When: 03/13/2024
Number of Pax: 12
Pax Names: AcSlayter, Brad Pitt, Butter Bean, CP, Daisie, Duster, Jar Jar, Mr Sparky, Quadzilla, Sailor Moon, Sooorie, Wastewater,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Sailor Moon
– side straddle hop
– weedpickers
– air claps
– curls
3 sets
– 20 Bent over rows
– Run down hill
– 20 upright row
– Burnie back up
– Plank on the six
3 working sets
– 8, 10, til failure – single arm rows
– 8, 10, til failure – OH press
8 sets
– 20,20,15,15,15,10 X 3 with 3 count ecentric curls
– ~10 count rest depending on pax count
MARY: none
CSAUP the mile
Speed for need coming up
3rd F breakfast the Slab this Friday
Happy taco Friday
Kenmo thurs 21st