AO: Lions Den
When: 01/05/2023
Number of Pax: 16
Pax Names: Blowpop, Fleetwood, Hartford, Ice T, Odd Job, Pie Bar, Pop Up, Rembrandt, Roscoe P, Rug Burn, Sleepy Joe, Swap,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Rug Burn
Mosey to basketball courts at Freedom (Standard warm-o-rama in a not so standard location).
Super 11’s – 8 cones set up total. 4 by the wall at Freedom, 4 across the parking lot (about 40 yards away). 4 sets of 11’s at the same time…1 exercise using the wall and 1 exercise in the parking lot.
- Start with 10 Carolina Wall Docks (inverted plank with feet on the wall) / 1 OJ Squat Jumps
- 10 Donkey Kicks / 1 – 2 count WW1 Freddy Mercury Big Boy’s (hard to explain…)
- 10 – 4 count wall squat holds / 1 – 4 count dips on the curb
- 10 – 2 count inverted shoulder taps / 1 – 2 count Bonnie Blairs
Take a lap around the parking lot island and change count to 9 against the wall, and 2 in the parking lot. Then, 8/3, 7/4….
In summation… it sucked.
COT – IceT with some great words about what F3 has meant to him over these (nearly) 4 years!!! Congrats T! Fleetwood has your 4 year key chain on the way.
Prayers for Tack and his family.
Also in attendance: Rubber Ducky, Lafleur, Chick Fight, Ring Pop