AO: MorningWood
When: 12/21/2022
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names: Fire Marshall Bill, Hopper, LawDog, Leaky, Misty, Olan Mills, Pella, Rest Stop, Super Dave,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Olan Mills
9 brave guys showed up under the assumption we were running the big bad Gaddis Mtn and the dreaded Greyfield. To everyone’s disappointment, the route was Creekview and back. As we approached, we could hardly believe our eyes. Wheelchairs? Why was everyone in wheelchairs? Had people been hurt? Did everyone bring their own chair, or did they rob a hospital on the way? There are so many questions that must be answered.
Pella enlighten us on some new technology that will remain confidential. Misty was taking notes.
COT: Prayers for Law Dawg’s family as his Uncle passed unexpectedly, Dooty as he undergoes tests, and Hopper’s mother in law.