AO: Colosseum

When: 12/11/2024


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Caboose, Cheesesteak, Chick Magnet, Colonel Mustard, Dr Tron, Elvish, Lasso, Speedway, The Chad, Tommy boy,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:


WARMUP: Mosey, SSH’s, WP’s, IP’s, SG’s, MP’s
THE THANG: Air Rifle Indigenous People’s Run for cover. Partner work w/ coupons or sand bags to shitty Christmas music.
Song 1. Merkins w/ Coupon and High Knees
Song 2. Lunges w/ coupon
Song 3. Shifties (Stupid name Chick Magnet came up with when sitting back to back and passing a coupon around each other.)
Song 4. Big Boys w/ coupons
Song 5. Overhead Press and Air Press
Song 6. Mountain Climbers and Curls
Song 7. SSH’s and Double Farmer Carry
Song 8. Kettlebell Swings w/ partner
Mosey back to flag. (Link to playlist
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AYCE Wings tonight at Buffalo’s on 92. Karaoke at the Clinic. The Rock 2.0 Beatdown. Wreath unloading this Thursday.
COT: Tommy Boy was 6th man and refused to indulge us.

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