AO: Clinic

When: 10/18/2021


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Barbossa, Blue Light, Butterfly, Driftwood, Gucci, Hopper, Icy Hot, Oracle, Spaceballs, Surf N Turf, Swingline,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Hopper

Warm-o-rama: From the startex,  a quick mosey around the amphitheater and circled up topside for Side Straddle Hops, Weed Pickers and Windmills and proceeded to mosey back to the flag and stopped short by the amphitheater stage.

The Thang– MegaCan/Pain Station phase–

  • The pax were broken up into 3 groups and assigned a team lead for accountability.
  • One group is on MEGACAN detail while the two remaining groups proceed to a pain station.
  • In a clockwise rotation , the MC detail team lifts and carries MC to the center of the amphitheater stage to complete a drain and fill (which is pulling out the coupons, placing them on the ground and returning them back inside MC)  5 times, then,  lift and carry MC back down from the stage back to its starting point.
  • Pax on pain stations are to continue reps until group on MC detail returns from the stage.
  • In a clockwise rotation , the groups will switch pain stations and MC detail , wash, rinse, repeat.
  • With each full rotation, the exercises change up at the pain stations.

Pain station exercise list —

Rotation 1:

  • Pain station 1 -Merkins
  • Pain station 2- Dying Cockroaches

Rotation 2:

  • Pain station 1- LBCs
  • Pain station 2- Flutter Kicks

Rotation 3:

  • Pain station 1- Big boy sit-ups
  • Pain station 2- Plank Jacks

The Thang (cont’d)– Indian Run/Final push phase–

Just that….we lined up single file and completed a couple of laps around the amphitheater Indian Run style and circled up for some pax lead exercises until it was time to push to the endex.

Penalty phase — A 5 burpee penalty for all pax if MEGACAN is dropped or knocked over. However it was only knocked over once….. BY ME! So , I upped the the penalty count to 10 burpees, because , why not???


Announcements: Talked about upcoming events.

Prayers: Prayers going out for TWERK and this morning’s 6th man , Blue Light. Also prayers going out for our F3 brothers , their family and friends as well as unspoken prayers for the greater community that we serve!

Coffeeteria – Perfect chilly morning to enjoy hot coffee/tea from DD and Race Trac!

Plant , Serve, Grow!!!

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