AO: Hurt Locker

When: 03/04/2024


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Babyface, Bloodhound, Dandy, FMB (Fire Marshal Bill), Hopper, Leaky, Olan Mills, Oxbow, Pella, Rest Stop,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Rest Stop

WARMUP: Yes, Mission Stmt & the usual warmup
THE THANG: #1 Murder’s Row; total count of 21; 11 BBS/10 BBS and then increasing the BBS/decreasing the merkins by one at each light pole, all the way the Pickle Ball parking lot where we finished with 20 BBS/1 Merkinsl

#2 Partner Up – Partner #1 runs where #2 does the exercise; flapjack when partner gets back; cumulative count.
75 Hand Release Merkins, like you are bird flapping your wings
125 Leg Raises
175 Calf-Raises
225 LBCs..

Mosey back to the flag for 5 mins of Mary

MARY: Oxbox, YHC and Hopper led the Pax
ANNOUNCEMENTS: BAHBABAB at Dawson Forest 3/23, Spartan and Pella’s bath
COT: Super Dave’s Sister, Hopper, Dandy’s Fam, Pella’s Fam

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