AO: Slab
When: 07/23/2024
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names: Blarney, Boondock, Copper, Dump Truck, Edibles, Hustler, Johnny Fever, Mall Cop, Soy Bean,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Mall Cop
WARMUP: short lap while we waited on Dump and Soy Bean to get out of their vehicles. Some dynamic stretching with lunge twists, sun gods, weed pickers and SSH
THE THANG: 2 Parts
• First Circuit:
10 Man Makers
15 Squirrel Press – Squat, Curl, Press
20 Goblet Squat
400M Run
Pick up Six or flutter kicks
Rinse, Repeat
• Tabata Circuit: 30s work, 10s rest
Jump Squat
Freddie Mercury
Burpee (these are different than Man Makers)
Plank Get Up
Burpee (these are different than the first Burpees)
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: BloodHound 1/2, Cow Raffle, others
COT: Hustler was 6 Man and no matter what anybody says about Hustler, he’s got a good heart. He’s always putting others first in his life and serving the community. Too many prayer requests today to remember and write down… it’s been a week for the PAX of the Slab
The Mall Cop Coupon: The Most Meaningless Award in F3 Cherokee was awarded to Boondocks today for persevering through the suck. Boon was given the option to cut the 400M by half and he wasn’t having it today. Boondocks crushed the workout and was rewarded with sweet nothings whispered in his ear.