AO: Clinic
When: 07/10/2020
Number of Pax: 12
Pax Names: Brady Bunch, Butterfingers, Driftwood, Foosball, Jitterbug, Lizard King, Nesquik, Rabbit, Saluki, Scamper, Sgt. Slaughter,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Scamper
- Mosey around the amphitheater, SSH, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Weed Pickers
- Line up facing the amphitheater hill, bwar crawl up, crawl bear down, hold on the six
- Turn around and crab walk across the face of the stage hold on the six
- Lunge to the far side of the stage, squat hold on the six
Now that we are warmed up the fun can begin.
The Pax partnered up and completed some deconstructed burpees Dora style. While 1 Pax does the reps the other runs to the top of the stairs, does 3 burpees (per Slauki’s request), and then runs back down.
150 – squats
150 – leg thrusters
150 – hand release merkins
150 – squat star jumps