07/07/2022 - Slab - Buddy buddy

Warmarama   latter bropees with run. 1-5 latter bropees with run. 1-5 (two count)   4 corners. Teams of three, one round around all corners while two others exercises. Squats,…

07/05/2022 - Slab - Copper 40th Bday Q

Copper 40th Bday Q 7/5/22 Slab Warm-o-Rama: Mission, 5 values, 40 SSH in cadence The Thang: Because F3 is about the man beside you, my birthday Q was to commemorate…

06/21/2022 - Slab - 06212022

5 stations each station is a further run   round 1 5/10/15/20/25 merkins 10/20/30/40/50 squats   round 2 10/20/30/49/50 big boys 20/40/60/70/100 monkey humpers   round 3 5/10/15/20/25 burpees 10/20/30/40/50…