AO: Oz
When: 06/19/2023
Number of Pax: 3
Pax Names: Copper, Edibles, Landing Strip,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Edibles
Today is Q one of three for YHC’s second manniversary. With the weather, I was somewhat concerned that the beatdown would be canceled.
To get things started we moseyed to the far entrance for Warm-o-rama. We completed SSH, Weedpickers, Imperial Walkers, Sun Gods, Michael Phelps, and Flamingos. From there we quickly got into the Thang.
The Thang
- Running Sixes Rd.
– Every time a car comes on the eastbound lane
– Monkey Humpers until the car passes then 5 burpees
– Change the direction of run
– Every time the Q call halt
– Mini Chesto in cadence
– 10 Flutter Kicks in cadence
– A 10# sandbag was also added to this, each PAX took a turn carrying the sandbag.
We almost never stopped doing Monkey Humpers, there were so many cars on the road.
We got about 20 minutes into the run then headed back towards the flag because of the weather.
Landing Strip was not feeling too comfortable with the weather, so he decided to take off.
2. 11s
– Mike Tysons & Squats