AO: WarTowne
When: 07/13/2024
Number of Pax: 16
Pax Names: big fish, Chevelle, Chevette, Chevy, crazy eyes, Daisie, Farm Country, Green Mile, koi, Mall Cop, rebel, Stitch, Stomper, Tinfoil, Wastewater, Yoshi,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Mall Cop
WARMUP: SSH waiting on Farm Country, Indian Run to field, Slowest Weed Pickers, Michael Phelps
THE THANG: Dice. Big Die with pictures determines exercise, small pink die determines reps.
American Hammer 4ct, Gas Pumps 4ct, Bllurpees, Indian Run, 20yd Bear Crawl: out, back, Special Merkins
1 = 5 reps, 2 = 10 reps, 3 = 15 reps, 4 = 20 reps, 5 = PAX Choice, 6 = Q Choice
Special Merkins:
Inchworm down into merkin position, 4 merkins, 4, 4ct mtn climbers, into American hammer position for 4, 4ct hammers, back into merkin position and inchworm back up
At one point PAX were grumpy about Bear Crawls so Daisy requested wind sprints so we did 3x 50yd wind sprints with 50yd recovery. 2.0s thought they were slick but couldn’t beat the adults
MARY: some strange cadence squats by Charmin
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Beef raffle, upcoming work day
COT: Chevy was 6 man + prayers for injuries and life