AO: WarTowne

When: 05/06/2023


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Big Papi, Duster, Green Mile, Mall Cop, Quadzilla, Saget, Topless, Twinkle Toes, Wax-on,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Twinkle Toes

Mosey to the bottom of the amphitheater  – Mission statement – core principles – disclaimer – Motivators from 5 – Weed-pickers – Imperial Walkers – Arm Pretzels – Seal Claps – Sungods -Michael Phelps

Then we picked up coupons at the coupon store and rifle-carried them to the football field for the Thang.

The board is set up in the center of the field. The board has a coupon and a n0-coupon side. PAX were instructed to partner up. Partner 1 runs to one end zone and back to the board and completes the first coupon-based exercise.  Meanwhile partner 2 runs to the other end zone and back to the board and completes the no-coupon exercise. Flap Jack continue until each PAX has completed all exercises (8 on each side of the board).  Here’s what was on the  board:

Coupon side:
10 Manmakers (I know, I know. It’s the May Merkin Challenge but these were the only Merkins we did)
25 Curls
25 Kettle bell Swings
25 Overhead Presses
25 Goblet Squats
25 Skull Crushers
25 Dead Lifts (safety tip:  close your eyes to prevent introducing foreign objects to your eyes)
25 Clean and Press

No-coupon Side:
20 BBSs
30 LBCs
30 Bobby Hurleys
30 American Hammers
30 Bonnie Blairs
30 Freddie Mercury’s
30 Monkey Humpers
30 SSHs

With 10 minutes left, we rifle-carried the coupons back to the store for a refund and moseyed back to the flag.

One minute or less.

May 20th Convergence at WarTowne/Woodshed. Spread the word!


The men of the Woodshed joined us and Chops was 6th Man. We lifted up prayers, spoken and unspoken.

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