AO: Vineyard

When: 10/31/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: BoSox, Fawlty Towers, Honeypot, Lizard King, Mouth-2-Mouth, Narco, Nesquik, Vanilli,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Vanilli

YHC is tired of writing about the same things. We moseyed, we warmed, we worked, we COT’d….

This BB is dedicated to how Lizard King cheated on his reps. He cheated. We all saw it. We all knew it. Nobody stopped it so we’re all sort of guilty. As Voltaire said, “Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.” We must bear some responisibility.

LK, for his part, talked a lot about how YHC was cheating, as a way to distract from his own nefarious deeds. I’m sure if we had mustered the courage to confront, he would have quoted O.J. Simpson, who said, “I’m absolutely, 100 percent, not guilty.”

Ultimately, there were elders present who could have/should have stepped up. These men, Nesquik and Narco primarily, turned blind eyes. The guilt is theirs. As J.K. Rowling famously said, “youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget…”

In conclusion, shame on LK for cheating and shame on Narco and Nessy for standing by while the rest of us were corrupted by it all.

I did enjoy Mouth’s 6th revelations and the Halloween soundtrack staggered all present with its timeliness and creativity.

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